Dave Seth Online

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How To Master 10 Marketing Rules That Maximize Engagement

Maximize engagement with these 10 marketing rules to entice traffic, build followers, grow your lists and improve sales conversations.

The following 10 rules aren’t all the typical direction that you would expect to see in a list together. Some rules are more basic in nature, but are worth focusing on for key steps. Other rules are a bit less utilized or understood. Pay close attention to detail and find value, or rather force yourself to create value, in everything you do.

Creating value for your readers or customers is the number one, best thing you can do, no matter what your business or internet marketing venture is. I try to provide some solid gold nuggets of value to keep readers engaged and wanting to come back for more.

Value offering #1

My first value offering is complimentary gift package of 24 tools and resources. Here are some great high-quality internet marketing tools and programs being provided for free each and every week. This is a treasure chest of 24 quality “no cost” gifts. Scroll down the page and click the “Weekly Giveaways” gifts package. No joke! These are yours for the taking to use however you like. And the best news is that each week we update them to 24 new complementary gifts.

Weekly Giveaways help maximize engagement
Weekly Giveaways offers high-quality marketing tools

Now let’s get to those 10 Marketing Rules to master.

1: Sell it First, Build it Second

New and old marketers alike waste time and energy building products that no one wants to buy. I’ve done this myself. You think you know what your audience wants, and we have visions of massive sales of the ultimate product.

But the audience never asked for it. They don’t have the same vision as you. They don’t need it like you thought they would.

You can avoid wasted time and rejection by selling your new product before you ever build it.

Let’s say you want to create a course.

The usual route is to spend two solid weeks building the course and getting it ready to put out into the world.

Whoops – no sales.

Instead, you outline not just one, but 5 different courses. You build a sales page for each, you send traffic to each of the 5, and here’s what happens:

  • Course 1: No sales
  • Course 2: 3 Sales
  • Course 3: No Sales
  • Course 4: 1 Sale
  • Course 5: 12 Sales

Now tell me which course you’re going to create?

You can refund the sales for Courses 2 and 4, letting the buyers know you may do this in the future and thanking them profusely. You might also mention Course 5, which will go live in 10 days.

You get busy and you build the course. You use feedback from your first customers to improve it and make it even better. You refine the sales page and begin sending massive traffic to it, making massive sales.


Had you simply created Course #1, you would have wasted your time.

If you had gone through the list and created each course in turn, you would’ve found some success with Course #2 and perhaps never moved on to Course #5. Or if you had persevered, it would have taken you 5 courses to get to the true blockbuster that makes the sales that pays for your new house.

Sell your thing first and be ready to build it fast if it turns out to be a winner. This applies not just to courses, but also books, SaaS products, subscriptions and any other product you want to make.

Just a word of caution though….

Maximize Engagement through vigilence with customers
Always be vigilant with cusotmer communications and perceptions. Don’t be this guy!

Be careful in how you approach this strategy, and very mindful of your communications with your customers. You don’t want to do anything to harm your reputation.

2: Maximize Engagement by Getting Rid of Conversion Distractions

Your page has a goal – what is it? To get the reader to subscribe? Join a free training? Click a link? Buy a product? Join you on social media?

You’ve got to keep them on your page long enough to accomplish the task you set out for them.

If you want to get their email address, then the only option you give them is to fill out the form. You don’t place your social media icons on the page, or a link to your blog, or a promotion for your product.

Give them one option – the option you choose – and then don’t give them anything else to do but that one option.

Chicken! My regular readers are accustomed to me posting a picture of a surprised squirrel at this point whenever I talk about distractions. I am easily distracted, and usually shout “squirrel”. Well, I thought I would shake it up a bit. And you gotta’ admit, this fine struttin’ chicken is quite distracting as well.

3: Make Each Sentence Count

People get distracted easily.

If you have an ambiguous sentence, a repetitive paragraph, a boring description or anything else that is difficult to slog through, you’ll lose your reader.

The purpose of each sentence is to get them to read the next sentence.

And while you cannot please all the people all the time, neither can you keep the attention of everyone all the time, but you can try.

The secret weapon to keeping people reading is editing.

Massive editing.

If it’s boring, fix it or remove it.

If it’s confusing, rewrite it.

If you need help, get a professional.

One professional editor can make you a lot of money if used correctly.

One more thing… when you first start out, you might be in love with what you’re written.

Get over it.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for your writing is remove a portion of it so that the rest of it can shine.

And sorry, I must apologize, as this is not one of my strengths. Often I am long winded, and way too wordy. Just down right loquacious at times. I will try harder.

4: Use REAL Scarcity to Maxiize Engagement


Yeah. Right.

Scarcity is an awesome selling tool if you don’t abuse it. People are savvy. They know when you’re high pressuring them and they don’t like it.

What you want is real scarcity, such as these examples:

“Bonus: Free one-on-one consulting for the first 22 buyers. I simply don’t have time to handle more than that.”

“Sale ends Sunday night at 9pm. No exceptions. Do not email me Monday morning and ask for the sales price because you won’t get it.”

“Only 5 days left in 2023 to make your tax-deductible donation.”

“Delay and you will miss what might be the best investment opportunity of the decade.”

“If you want to enjoy this benefit 5 days from now, then you’ll have to act immediately.”

Now here is a real scarcity offer….

Value offering #2

Every business needs traffic. It’s the lifeblood to leads and sales. We have created Traffic Promotion Package Giveaway with a Retail Value of $131. But during our launch, you can access it for free. Follow the instructions and use the coupon code at checkout, and you will access it all for $0.

And honestly there is scarcity to this offering. Once we reach server capacity for this offering, we will stop accepting members, and evaluate the cost-benefits of adding additional space. Generally speaking, additional cost require additional fees….. i.e. no longer free.

5: Maximize Engagement by Selling Happy Products, Too

As marketers we’re taught to focus on the customers’ pain and provide a solution to that pain.

But do you know what else sells?


People buy things to fix their problems, but they also buy stuff that makes them happy.

If it makes sense, add some happiness marketing to your products. It’s been working for McDonald’s Happy Meals for decades.

6: Don’t Stop Building

You’ve got one product sold through one channel to one group of customers.

That’s not a business; that’s a start.

Keep going by adding new products, advertising in new places, targeting new customers and more.

Amazon started as an online bookseller. Then they added CD’s and movies. Then they added more and more products as well as more and more services.

You don’t have to be another Amazon, but you do need to keep growing your business if you want long term success.

And speaking of growing, I wanted to point out that our new store agency just recently launched. We used the 80-20 rule….

Well, maybe it is more like the 60-40 rule. The foundation and framing is complete with a few offerings, but it is very basic at this time. Check out Dave Seth Agency at davesethagency.com for our giveaways. We are really excited to finally get to this point, and have a ton of offerings in the works.

But please know, we are still setting up the site so some is under construction or not built out yet. This is another thing we have learned throughout the years. You can wait to have everything perfect. Or even really good. Maybe we jumped the gun at 60-40, but we were anxious to get started.

So please excuse the construction, and components yet to be developed. But we still hope you will visit us none the less. And also please know that we will be adding offerings and giveaways every week going forward, so check back often

7: Fail Often and Broadcast It

Show me someone who hasn’t failed and I’ll show you someone who hasn’t accomplishing anything.

When you fail, go ahead and broadcast it to your audience. “You’re not going to believe the bone-headed thing I just did.” Tell them the story to let them know you are human, you are vulnerable and like everyone else, you are learning. People can relate to problems. Show that you can laugh at yourself, and your audience will become loyal followers.

Then go out and try something else. The more you do, the more successes (and failures) you will have.

And remember, if you take a running leap at your next goal and you fall a little short, that’s not failure – it’s progress.

One of my primary failures was related to buying or subscribing to too many products or programs that I needed for my business. Had I done my homework better, I would have found quality alternatives for a fraction of the costs. For example…

Value Offering #3

I was paying a pretty hefty monthly subscription fee for an SEO program. After all, if your serious about marketing, you’re going to need SEO. You know, key word research, analysis of websites, articles and monitoring your own site right? Plus a whole lot more. This special offering will get you a high-quality SEO program for a single, one-time, small payment. Avoid SEO monthly subscription fees forever. Invest those dollars back into your business and grow that much faster!

Maximize engagement with premium marketing tools and program giveaways
Get a premium SEO program for a minimal, one-time payment!

8: Make a Few Enemies

Have you ever noticed how Pepsi takes shots at Coca-Cola with their marketing? They don’t care what Coke thinks, they care about creating a tribe with their customers. Nothing unites people faster than a common enemy, and that enemy doesn’t even have to be another person or product.

It could be a cause such as hunger, poverty, climate change, mistreatment of animals, etc. Choose something to be against. Take a firm stance on something that reflects your customers’ values and your core ideals.

There are just two things you really must remain totally neutral about in your marketing, and that’s politics and religion. Unless you write a religious newsletter or you’re shilling for a political party, stay far away from these topics.

I know of one marketer who routinely insults half the population of the U.S. because she believes a certain ex-president is god and everyone in the other political party are demonic. While this marketer makes a comfortable living, I’m guessing her income would be 2 to 3 times as much if she didn’t alienate such a large number of people.

Value Offering #4

Now I’m not going after Pepsi or Coke for my next value offering. Beverages are not my niche. But what is in the internet marketing niche, and crucial for all business owners to know and understand, is the value of tracking. Tracking is a must in order to measure performance and know what works, and more importantly what doesn’t.

Going head to head – clicktrakr vs. bitly

And the tracking value proposition I have for you is available for free for a limited time. During our launch period, clicktrakr is available free of cost, or for a single, one-time payment of $15, (which is less than bitly’s $29 monthly subscription fee). This paid option is for a comparable “unlimited” option. If you are paying a monthly subscription for any tracking program, or if your “free for a period of time” has run out, check out all the features you get for a single one-time payment of $15. Then kiss monthly subscription payments for tracking goodbye.

9: Shake It Up

If you’ve been in a long term relationship, you know that after awhile things can become stale. There are no more surprises and while you love your partner, you’re more bored than excited by the relationship.

The same thing happens between marketers and their customers.

Try changing things up by using a different spokesperson for your brand. For example, instead of the emails or your blog coming from you this week, what if they came from your assistant, your employee or even your dog?

davesethagency.com: maximize engagement with Jerry, everyone's best friend
Jerry’s Companionship Program helps maximize engagement davesethagency.com

Write your next email or blog from an entirely different perspective to recapture your followers’ attention and create excitement with something new. Maybe next week, Jerry will write my blog!

10: Become a Cheerleader to Maximize Engagement

Send out a message every now and then that sells your subscribers on themselves. Tell them why they are awesome, that you believe in them, that they can do this next big thing they are attempting, or even that you love them.

Sending out these little love letters for no reason other than to bolster your subscribers’ outlook on the day and on themselves can go a long way towards relationship building.

And you will love some of the responses you get, such as, “Thanks, I really needed to hear this today!’

Sending out little ‘love letters’ to your subscribers will remind them that you are more than your products or your brand – you’re human.

And providing a free goodie sure doesn’t hurt either!

Value offering #5

This is the last value offering of the day and of this article. davesethagency.com is all about providing high-quality tools and resources to help internet marketers stop the bleeding from monthly expenses. So we will close with a freebie that aids with advertising on Instagram. If your not advertising on Instagram, then you need to. And you can get started here for free. Yep, it will cost you exactly $0.

That’s all for this week. I hope this unique take on mastering these marketing rules will help you to maximize engagement. Be creative and have fun. Sometimes I am concerned that my quirky style and goofy attempts at humor will turn people away. But I guess that is ok. Same in everyday life too right? We are who we are, and must be true to ourselves.

Until next time, I wish you success!


davesethagency.com, davesethonline.com/blog  online resourcesmemberships 12-day training

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