Did you know that emailing your list every day yields far better results than emailing only occasionally? Here are 130 marketing ideas to boost your bottom line
And with these 130 ideas, you have no reason not to email daily. Yes, a few people will unsubscribe in a huff because you sent “too many emails,” whatever that means. But those were not your best prospects anyway.
And if you make your emails fun, entertaining and maybe even a little bit informative, you’ll get more opens and more clicks and yes, more revenue.
But the tough part is coming up with a new idea every day to send to your list. That is, it’s tough unless you take advantage of the crazy, strange and downright wacky holidays that happen throughout the month.
For example, on February 1st you might write an email about “work naked day” which I guarantee will get opened. Hint. I’m not posting a pic!
On the 2nd, you can talk about the marmot that stole your ice cream and your spouse’s tater tots while hiking at Mt. Rainier National Park. Okay, maybe it’s not 100% true, but when you start combining these holidays, you can come up with some really wild stuff.
February 3rd is Dump Your Significant Jerk Day, and who doesn’t have a great, funny or cringeworthy story tell about that?
I challenge you to send an email every single day in February to your list. And if you get stuck for ideas, just peruse this list and you’ll have plenty to work from.
Post those emails on your blog as well, and then jump on social media and use the hashtags to grab people and send them to your site to read your posts.
More interaction from your list, more people hitting your site from social media, and a daily chance to get more subscribers, too.
It’s a win-win-win, and it’s super easy to do, too.
And don’t forget to include valuable content and information. I will sprinkle in 10 tips to increase email open rates.
Tip #1. Send to Targeted Audiences: Use targeted audiences who are more likely to open and engage.
Now let’s get into Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Bottom Line
February Holidays and Dates
February Month Long Holidays and Observances
Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month #AdoptaRescueRabbitMonth
American Heart Month #AmericanHeartMonth
Bake for Family Fun Month #BakeforFamilyFunMonth
Black History Month #BlackHistoryMonth
Boost Your Self-Esteem Month #BoostyourSelfEsteemMonth
Celebration of Chocolate Month #CelebrationofChocolateMonth
Have fun….
Be Creative….
Maybe you just go crazy and combine two or three!
Celebration of Chocolate Month #CelebrationofChocolateMonth
Creative Romance Month #CreativeRomanceMonth
Dog Training Education Month #DogTrainingEducationMonth
Great American Pie Month #GreatAmericanPieMonth
International Embroidery Month #InternationalEmbroideryMonth
Humpback Whale Awareness Month #HumpBackWhaleAwarenessMonth
National Cat Health Month #NationalCatHealthMonth
National Cherry Month #NationalCherryMonth
National Hot Breakfast Month #NationalHotBreakfastMonth
National Snack Food Month #NationalSnackFoodMonth
National Weddings Month #NationalWeddingsMonth
Vegan Cuisine Month #VeganCuisineMonth
Tip #2. Write Engaging Subject Lines: Use interesting subject lines that will entice opening your emails.
February Holidays by Date
February 1st
Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay
Wear Red Day #WearRedDay
Car Insurance Day #CarInsuranceDay
World Read Aloud Day #ReadAloudDay
Decorating with Candy Day #DecoratingWithCandyDay
Working Naked Day #WorkingNakedDay
Hmm, just wondering if working naked would increase your marketing ideas to boost your bottom line? I sure don’t know, just asking for a friend…
Serpent Day #SerpentDay
February 2nd
Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Bottom Line with Ice Cream for Breakfast Day #IceCreamForBreakfastDay
Hedgehog Day #HedgehogDay
Marmot Day #MarmotDay
World Wetlands Day #WetlandsDay
Tater Tot Day #TaterTotDay
Take Your Child to the Library Day #TakeYourChildToTheLibraryDay
Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay
Tip #3. Personalize Your Messages: Personalize emails to fit your readers’ interests.
February 3rd
Carrot Cake Day #CarrotCakeDay
Yorkshire Pudding Day #YorkshirePuddingDay
International Golden Retriever Day #GoldenRetrieverDay
Dump Your Significant Jerk Day #DumpYourSignificantJerkDay
February 4th
Boost Your Bottom Line with Thank a Letter Carrier Day #ThankALetterCarrierDay
Homemade Soup Day #HomemadeSoupDay
World Cancer Day #CancerDay
National Sweater Day #SweaterDay
February 5th
World Nutella Day #NutellaDay
Weatherman’s Day #WeathermansDay
Chocolate Fondue Day #ChocolateFondueDay
Western Monarch Day #WesternMonarchDay
Safer Internet Day #SaferInternetDay
February 6th
Frozen Yogurt Day #FrozenYogurtDay
Lame Duck Day #LameDuckDay
Tip #4. Include Your Logo: Include your logo in the email to help readers recognize you.
February 7th
Ballet Day #BalletDay
Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay
February 8th
Kite Flying Day #KiteFlyingDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Laugh and Get Rich Day #LaughAndGetRichDay
Opera Day #OperaDay
Molasses Bar Day #MolassesBarDay
February 9th
Read in a Bathtub Day #ReadInABathtubDay
Toothache Day #ToothacheDay
Pizza Day #PizzaDay
Tip #5. Optimize For Mobile: Make sure your emails look great on any device.
February 10th
Umbrella Day #UmbrellaDay
World Marriage Day #MarriageDay
Cream Cheese Brownie Day #CreamCheeseBrownieDay
February 11th
Clean Out Your Computer Day #CleanOutYourComputerDay
Get Out Your Guitar Day #GetOutYourGuitarDay
Make a Friend Day #MakeAFriendDay
Satisfied Staying Single Day #SatisfiedStayingSingleDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay
Peppermint Patty Day #PeppermintPattyDay
White Shirt Day #WhiteShirtDay
February 12th
International Darwin Day #DarwinDay
Extraterrestrial Culture Day #ExtraterrestrialCultureDay
Plum Pudding Day #PlumPuddingDay
Lost Penny Day #LostPennyDay
Tip #6. Send At The Right Time: Send emails at a time when your readers are likely to open them.
February 13th
Radio Day #RadioDay
Get a Different Name Day #GetADifferentNameDay
Madly in Love With Me Day #MadlyInLoveWithMeDay
Tortellini Day #TortelliniDay
February 14th
Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay
Ferris Wheel Day #FerrisWheelDay
Donor Day #DonorDay
Pet Theft Awareness Day #PetTheftAwarenessDay
International Book Giving Day #BookGivingDay
Cream-Filled Chocolates Day #CreamFilledChocolatesDay
February 15th
Hippo Day #HippoDay
Gumdrop Day #GumdropDay
Singles Awareness Day #SinglesAwarenessDay
No One Eats Alone Day #NoOneEatsAloneDay
Tip #7. Use A/B Testing: Test different subject lines and content to see what works best with your readers.
February 16th
Innovation Day #InnovationDay
Almond Day #AlmondDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with World Whale Day #WhaleDay
World Pangolin Day #PangolinDay
Do a Grouch a Favor Day #DoAGrouchAFavorDay
February 17th
Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
World Human Spirit Day #HumanSpiritDay
February 18th
National Drink Wine Day #DrinkWineDay
Battery Day #BatteryDay
Pluto Day #PlutoDay
February 19th
Chocolate Mint Day #ChocolateMintDay
International Tug-of-War Day #TugOfWarDay
Tip #8. Keep Emails Relevant: Make sure your emails are relevant to your readers’ interests.
February 20th
Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
Cherry Pie Day #CherryPieDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Handcuff Day #HandcuffDay
February 21st
Sticky Bun Day #StickyBunDay
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day #IntroduceAGirlToEngineeringDay
February 22nd
Single Tasking Day #SingleTaskingDay
World Thinking Day #ThinkingDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Margarita Day #MargaritaDay
Walking the Dog Day #WalkingTheDogDay
World Yoga Day #YogaDay
Tip #9. Include An Actionable Call-To-Action: Include a CTA in the email to drive readers to take action.
February 23rd
Sword Swallowers Day #SwordSwallowersDay
Banana Bread Day #BananaBreadDay
Open That Bottle Night #OpenThatBottleNight
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day #DogBiscuitAppreciationDay
Play Tennis Day #PlayTennisDay
February 24th
Tortilla Chip Day #TortillaChipDay
World Bartender Day #BartenderDay
February 25th
Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day #ChocolateCoveredPeanutsDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Wine and Cheese Day #WineAndCheeseDay
Clam Chowder Day #ClamChowderDay
Play More Cards Day #PlayMoreCardsDay
Tip #10. Use Automation: Automate emails to ensure timely delivery and engagement.
February 26th
Tell a Fairy Tale Day #TellAFairyTaleDay
Pistachio Day #PistachioDay
Boost Your Bottom Line with Personal Chef Day #PersonalChefDay
Levi Strauss Day #LeviStraussDay
February 27th
Pokémon Day #PokemonDay
Polar Bear Day #PolarBearDay
Strawberry Day #StrawberryDay
Inconvenience Yourself Day #InconvenienceYourselfDay
Kahlua Day #KahluaDay
February 28th
Digital Learning Day #DigitalLearningDay #DLDay
Chocolate Soufflé Day #ChocolateSouffleDay
Tooth Fairy Day #ToothFairyDay
Chilli Day #ChilliDay
With a little creativity, you can utilize any type of content to market or promote just about any niche, product or program.
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updated 4/5/2023