Dave Seth Online

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Passive Income Lifestyle: Here is the Secret Sauce

It’s February, are you on the fast track to reach your Passive Income Lifestyle? Or has life already gotten in the way, and derailed your goals and plans?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone… And there’s still time to take a step back, breathe, reorganize, and still achieve your goals. Be it business related, health or wellness. 

Here’s a real world example of how I got behind and had to walk through the steps above. 

I had a meeting last week with a business partner who is collaborating on a project with me.

We outlined a new concept for a passive income product we want to offer, who we wanted to offer it to, and even chose dates for all the course training.

Then we did what you’re supposed to do. We took action on items that we could and got what we saw as the first step out of the way: we wrote the basic sales copy for the product.

And last, we planned out the next steps in the process and parted ways to get busy “making this happen.”

And then a week goes by…

Nothing else has gotten done. Our passive income project was stalled.

Why did it stall?

Simple. Though we made great to-do list of all the items we need to get done, we missed a crucial step.

And it was one that could have derailed the entire project if we hadn’t caught it soon enough (we still have to postpone the training by a week, but that’s fixable).

What step did we miss?

We didn’t put solid deadlines to our actions.

We assumed the action items would get done.

Then the inevitable happened… life and all the other business stuff got in the way… and very little else was accomplished.

Create your Passive Income Lifestyle
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Good intentions don’t get your projects done or ring the cash register.

DEADLINES placed on each action get projects done.

Deadlines can be dates. Of if you want to get more specific, deadlines can be a time of day… or both! (I like deadlines like “by noon Tuesday” or “by close of business Friday” or “2:00 Monday!”)

So one of my favorites is “close of business Friday”. Why? Because a definite deadline gives you a fixed point in time to take a specific action and accomplish a concrete step toward your goal or outcome. And by COB on Friday, everyone clearly knows it has to be completed THIS week!

It might sound elementary, but by gosh, no matter how accomplished and competent you are, if you skip the basics, you won’t get the results you want.

By the way…

My partner and I have a meeting scheduled for Friday at noon to get deadlines set for our to-do list.

I guess it’s better late than never, right?

So the next time you have a project that’s not getting done, do this:

1. Break it down into concrete action steps
2. Put them in order
3. Decide who is doing which step and assign it
4. Put a deadline (day, time, or both) on each action
5. Git ‘er done!

These 5 steps will help you get any project done, on time.

Everything can be broken down to a formula. Success is something anyone can achieve. It’s just about doing the right things in the right order.

Following these steps will help you accomplish your goals and reach success. Do you have actionable goals and deadlines to reach your passive income lifestyle dreams? Any successful online marketing program needs to incorporate Passive Income Streams.

So in my experience and opinion, a passive income stream should be a priority component in any online marketing model.

The Secret Sauce to a Passive Income Lifestyle

Now don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with individual sales. I have many products and programs that are a single sale, or even a funnel of multiple sales. But once the customer buys, then they are done. So sales are great. Nobody can argue when you make sales.


But the secret sauce to a passive income lifestyle is….

a well-designed program that has reoccurring revenue.

Too often people overlook one of the very most important factors of a Passive Income Stream. Once you have done all the work and set the stream in motion, it is continual. It’s an automated system that keeps on generating income. You just have to maintain it, care for it and feed it.

Now my readers know that my primary focus and passion, (and frankly my primary income sources), are from passive income streams. And my favorite passive income stream is a high-quality membership site!

Here are resources to learn more about membership sites, and how you can get a branded as your own site to market. This is a short-cut, fast start option, that is super easy, and all done for you, (DFY). You will not find a simpler, faster, membership site option to get you started with passive income cash flows.

Once you have cash flow coming in, then you can reinvest and scale.

Oh yes, and remember to set solid deadlines! Take the bull by the horns. Take action now and set deadlines to accomplish your goals. Accomplish your goals, and land squarely on the path of Passive Income Streams to the Lifestyle you desire!

Oh, and before I forget… Here is a super easy program that my partner and I just completed updating with some incredible new features that will save even more time and add more productivity to your passive income business model.

To Your Success!


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Easiest System Ever

What are the best affiliate marketing programs for passive income?

One of the best affiliate marketing programs for passive incomes are high-quality membership sites. Membership subscriptions provide reoccurring revenue streams and are a proven model that has not only stood the test of time, but is expanding through many service providers, retailers, and online marketing programs.

What is the best affiliate program for passive income memberships?

I recommend Groove as the best All-in-One platform to create a membership site. Groove is the best all-around platform that has everything you need, and more, to create, develop, and operate your very own branded membership site. See all the features they offer for free.

What is the best way to set up a membership site to make passive income?

If you’re looking for a “done for you,” (DFY) membership site, here are 10 membership sites that you can purchase a resellers license. Brand as your own and have your own membership site up and running in 7 days.

Updated 3/23/2023

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