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Want To Be A Millionaire by Breaking these rules?

The ultimate financial goal to becoming a millionaire requires out of the box thinking, taking action and breaking these rules.

But these days, thanks to inflation, a million dollars doesn’t buy all that much. That’s why you probably want to become not just a millionaire, but a multi-millionaire (Lots of millions).

And just as the goal itself has shifted, so have the rules to get there.

Most self-made mega-millionaires will tell you they didn’t follow rules, and in fact set out to break most rules on their quest to earn their fortune.

Wealth waits for no one.  Break these rules to secure your wealth now
Wealth waits for no one. Take Action Now

Here are the rules they especially recommend you break if you want to become wealthy:

1: Follow the rules

We already covered this one but it bears repeating. If everyone is following the same rules and none of them are getting rich, you know the rules themselves are at fault.

2: Don’t sell

I don’t know how, when or where it became fashionable to think of selling as something worse than cleaning toilets. The fact is, nothing happens until something is sold, and the better you get at selling (online or offline), the more you will earn.

3: Get a mentor

Yeah, I’m sure that the self-made millionaires and billionaires of the world are eagerly staring at their cellphones waiting for you to call and pick their brains. Forget mentors and instead figure out what skill you need and then pay an expert to teach you that skill.

4: Wait your turn

People wait for the right job, for promotions, for opportunities and for the right time. You can waste an entire lifetime waiting for things to come to you or you can jump the que and go get them yourself.

5: Obsession is bad

Like heck it is. Figure out how you’re going to create your fortune and then become obsessed with getting it done.

6: Network like crazy

Because you want a thousand people on your contact list and not the slightest knowledge of who 980 of them are, right? Nope. Instead, focus on building a handful of super strong relationships.

7: Invest in other’s

This is great if you want to be rich when you’re 75. Just invest in other people’s businesses, programs or products and wait a few decades for the money to build. Or you could invest in your own skills and your own business and earn your fortune in the next 5 years. Your choice.

8: Do what you love

And the money is supposed to follow, right? In an ideal world this works. But there’s a very good chance that what you love is not going to build you a mega-million dollar bank account, so instead you might want to figure out what people want to spend money on and make that your business.

Breaking these rules will create passive income streams

Payday Everyday with Passive Income

9: If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.

True to an extent – planning is important. But avoid analysis paralysis! Look, if you want to spend the next year planning what you’re going to do, and do accomplish nothing more than planning, then you may as well spend that year watching television. Instead, decide what you want to do, figure out the high-level steps and strategies, and then start taking action. There is no perfect plan or business. Adjust ad needed as you proceed. But you must proceed!

10: Don’t launch until it’s perfect

You could spend a year creating the perfect product that no one wants to buy. Or you could spend 2 weeks creating the minimum viable product and see if there’s a market for it. In the first case you need an entire year just to see if you’re on the right track, and in the second case you could create 26 MVP’s in a year, find out which one or two of them are pure gold and be earning six or seven figures by next year. Your choice.

Passive Income opportunities
Make Every Opportunity a Passive Income Stream Opportunity

And last but not least is always be mindful of passive income stream opportunities. Whenever you have the opportunity to work in ongoing revenue to any program, product or offering, jump on it and leverage it to the maximum extent possible. I still stand on the principle that the large majority of super wealthy have ongoing revenue coming in like clockwork. Make that hard work pay off for long periods of time whenever feasible.

To your success!


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updated 3/12/2023

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