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130 February Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Bottom Line

Did you know that emailing your list every day yields far better results than emailing only occasionally? Here are 130 marketing ideas to boost your bottom line

And with these 130 ideas, you have no reason not to email daily. Yes, a few people will unsubscribe in a huff because you sent “too many emails,” whatever that means. But those were not your best prospects anyway.

And if you make your emails fun, entertaining and maybe even a little bit informative, you’ll get more opens and more clicks and yes, more revenue.

But the tough part is coming up with a new idea every day to send to your list. That is, it’s tough unless you take advantage of the crazy, strange and downright wacky holidays that happen throughout the month.

For example, on February 1st you might write an email about “work naked day” which I guarantee will get opened. Hint. I’m not posting a pic!

On the 2nd, you can talk about the marmot that stole your ice cream and your spouse’s tater tots while hiking at Mt. Rainier National Park. Okay, maybe it’s not 100% true, but when you start combining these holidays, you can come up with some really wild stuff.

February 3rd is Dump Your Significant Jerk Day, and who doesn’t have a great, funny or cringeworthy story tell about that?

I challenge you to send an email every single day in February to your list. And if you get stuck for ideas, just peruse this list and you’ll have plenty to work from.

Post those emails on your blog as well, and then jump on social media and use the hashtags to grab people and send them to your site to read your posts.

More interaction from your list, more people hitting your site from social media, and a daily chance to get more subscribers, too.

It’s a win-win-win, and it’s super easy to do, too.

And don’t forget to include valuable content and information. I will sprinkle in 10 tips to increase email open rates.

Tip #1. Send to Targeted Audiences: Use targeted audiences who are more likely to open and engage.

Now let’s get into Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Bottom Line

February Holidays and Dates

February Month Long Holidays and Observances

Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month       #AdoptaRescueRabbitMonth

American Heart Month  #AmericanHeartMonth

Bake for Family Fun Month    #BakeforFamilyFunMonth

Black History Month     #BlackHistoryMonth

Boost Your Self-Esteem Month       #BoostyourSelfEsteemMonth

Celebration of Chocolate Month      #CelebrationofChocolateMonth

Have fun….

Be Creative….

Maybe you just go crazy and combine two or three!

Celebration of Chocolate Month      #CelebrationofChocolateMonth

Creative Romance Month      #CreativeRomanceMonth

Marketing Ideas to Boost your bottom line

Dog Training Education Month        #DogTrainingEducationMonth

Great American Pie Month     #GreatAmericanPieMonth

International Embroidery Month     #InternationalEmbroideryMonth

Humpback Whale Awareness Month #HumpBackWhaleAwarenessMonth

National Cat Health Month     #NationalCatHealthMonth

National Cherry Month  #NationalCherryMonth

National Hot Breakfast Month #NationalHotBreakfastMonth

National Snack Food Month   #NationalSnackFoodMonth

National Weddings Month      #NationalWeddingsMonth

Vegan Cuisine Month    #VeganCuisineMonth

Tip #2. Write Engaging Subject Lines: Use interesting subject lines that will entice opening your emails.

February Holidays by Date

February 1st

Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay

Wear Red Day #WearRedDay

Car Insurance Day #CarInsuranceDay

World Read Aloud Day #ReadAloudDay

Decorating with Candy Day #DecoratingWithCandyDay

Working Naked Day #WorkingNakedDay

Hmm, just wondering if working naked would increase your marketing ideas to boost your bottom line? I sure don’t know, just asking for a friend…

Serpent Day #SerpentDay

February 2nd

Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Bottom Line with Ice Cream for Breakfast Day #IceCreamForBreakfastDay

Email engagement to boost your bottom line
#IceCreamForBreakfastDay will surely create engagement!

Hedgehog Day #HedgehogDay

Marmot Day #MarmotDay

World Wetlands Day #WetlandsDay

Tater Tot Day #TaterTotDay

Take Your Child to the Library Day #TakeYourChildToTheLibraryDay

Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay

Tip #3. Personalize Your Messages: Personalize emails to fit your readers’ interests.

February 3rd

Carrot Cake Day #CarrotCakeDay

Yorkshire Pudding Day #YorkshirePuddingDay

International Golden Retriever Day #GoldenRetrieverDay

Dump Your Significant Jerk Day #DumpYourSignificantJerkDay

February 4th

Boost Your Bottom Line with Thank a Letter Carrier Day #ThankALetterCarrierDay

marketing ideas for passive income
Take action now to get cash delivered to your mailbox #ThankALetterCarrierDay #PassiveIncomeStreams

Homemade Soup Day #HomemadeSoupDay

World Cancer Day #CancerDay

National Sweater Day #SweaterDay

February 5th

World Nutella Day #NutellaDay

Weatherman’s Day #WeathermansDay

Chocolate Fondue Day #ChocolateFondueDay

Western Monarch Day #WesternMonarchDay

Safer Internet Day #SaferInternetDay

February 6th

Frozen Yogurt Day #FrozenYogurtDay

Lame Duck Day #LameDuckDay

Tip #4. Include Your Logo: Include your logo in the email to help readers recognize you.

February 7th

Ballet Day #BalletDay

Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay

February 8th

Kite Flying Day #KiteFlyingDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Laugh and Get Rich Day #LaughAndGetRichDay

Passive Income to boost your bottom line
Laugh and Get Rich with Passive Income to Boost Your Bottom Line

Opera Day #OperaDay

Molasses Bar Day #MolassesBarDay

February 9th

Read in a Bathtub Day #ReadInABathtubDay

Toothache Day #ToothacheDay

Pizza Day #PizzaDay

Tip #5. Optimize For Mobile: Make sure your emails look great on any device.

February 10th

Umbrella Day #UmbrellaDay

World Marriage Day #MarriageDay

Cream Cheese Brownie Day #CreamCheeseBrownieDay

February 11th

Clean Out Your Computer Day #CleanOutYourComputerDay

Get Out Your Guitar Day #GetOutYourGuitarDay

Make a Friend Day #MakeAFriendDay

Satisfied Staying Single Day #SatisfiedStayingSingleDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay

Cash cow boosts your bottom line
Turn the spilled milk into a cash cow #DontCryOverSpilledMilkDay

Peppermint Patty Day #PeppermintPattyDay

White Shirt Day #WhiteShirtDay

February 12th

International Darwin Day #DarwinDay

Extraterrestrial Culture Day #ExtraterrestrialCultureDay

Plum Pudding Day #PlumPuddingDay

Lost Penny Day #LostPennyDay

Tip #6. Send At The Right Time: Send emails at a time when your readers are likely to open them.

February 13th

Radio Day #RadioDay

Get a Different Name Day #GetADifferentNameDay

Madly in Love With Me Day #MadlyInLoveWithMeDay

Tortellini Day #TortelliniDay

February 14th

Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay

Ferris Wheel Day #FerrisWheelDay

Donor Day #DonorDay

Pet Theft Awareness Day #PetTheftAwarenessDay

International Book Giving Day #BookGivingDay

Cream-Filled Chocolates Day #CreamFilledChocolatesDay

February 15th

Hippo Day #HippoDay

Gumdrop Day #GumdropDay

Singles Awareness Day #SinglesAwarenessDay

No One Eats Alone Day #NoOneEatsAloneDay

Tip #7. Use A/B Testing: Test different subject lines and content to see what works best with your readers.

February 16th

Innovation Day #InnovationDay

Almond Day #AlmondDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with World Whale Day #WhaleDay

#WhaleDay will boost your bottom line
Make a whale of amount of cash earning Perpetual Income 365 #WhaleDay

World Pangolin Day #PangolinDay

Do a Grouch a Favor Day #DoAGrouchAFavorDay

February 17th

Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay

World Human Spirit Day #HumanSpiritDay

February 18th

National Drink Wine Day #DrinkWineDay

Battery Day #BatteryDay

Pluto Day #PlutoDay

February 19th

Chocolate Mint Day #ChocolateMintDay

International Tug-of-War Day #TugOfWarDay

Tip #8. Keep Emails Relevant: Make sure your emails are relevant to your readers’ interests.

February 20th

Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay

Cherry Pie Day #CherryPieDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Handcuff Day #HandcuffDay

passive income lifestyle to boost your bottom line
Avoid #HandcuffDay! Take action now and achieve a Passive Income Lifestyle.

February 21st

Sticky Bun Day #StickyBunDay

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day #IntroduceAGirlToEngineeringDay

February 22nd

Single Tasking Day #SingleTaskingDay

World Thinking Day #ThinkingDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Margarita Day #MargaritaDay

Passive Income streams boost your bottom line
Secure your Passive Income Stream and Enjoy #MargaritaDay

Walking the Dog Day #WalkingTheDogDay

World Yoga Day #YogaDay

Tip #9. Include An Actionable Call-To-Action: Include a CTA in the email to drive readers to take action.

February 23rd

Sword Swallowers Day #SwordSwallowersDay

Banana Bread Day #BananaBreadDay

Open That Bottle Night #OpenThatBottleNight

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day #DogBiscuitAppreciationDay

Play Tennis Day #PlayTennisDay

February 24th

Tortilla Chip Day #TortillaChipDay

World Bartender Day #BartenderDay

February 25th

Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day #ChocolateCoveredPeanutsDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Wine and Cheese Day #WineAndCheeseDay

#perpetualincome365 to boost your bottom line
Lock in the Lifestyle You Dream About #WineAndCheeseDay #perpetualincome365

Clam Chowder Day #ClamChowderDay

Play More Cards Day #PlayMoreCardsDay

Tip #10. Use Automation: Automate emails to ensure timely delivery and engagement.

February 26th

Tell a Fairy Tale Day #TellAFairyTaleDay

Pistachio Day #PistachioDay

Boost Your Bottom Line with Personal Chef Day #PersonalChefDay

boost your bottom line at davesethonline.com
Memberships provide the ultimate Passive Income Stream #PersonalChefDay Get yours HERE

Levi Strauss Day #LeviStraussDay

February 27th

Pokémon Day #PokemonDay

Polar Bear Day #PolarBearDay

Strawberry Day #StrawberryDay

Inconvenience Yourself Day #InconvenienceYourselfDay

Kahlua Day #KahluaDay

February 28th

Digital Learning Day #DigitalLearningDay #DLDay

Chocolate Soufflé Day #ChocolateSouffleDay

Tooth Fairy Day #ToothFairyDay

Chilli Day #ChilliDay

With a little creativity, you can utilize any type of content to market or promote just about any niche, product or program.

We work hard to Boost Your Bottom Line

We provide online marketing tips, insights, and strategies to help marketers. Be it traffic secrets, affiliate marketing models, copywriting creation, power marketing programs or whatever resources you need, we aim to please. We are all things online marketing. Our passion is Passive Income Streams and wealth creation.

The ultimate model for long-term Passive Income Streams are created through membership sites. Use this shortcut to get reseller rights to this membership site. Brand and sell as your own. Have it up and running in 7 days and begin your passive income stream. See the platinum reseller offer here.

We have multiple programs, products, tools and resources to help you along the way.

Thanks for reading, to your success!


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updated 4/5/2023

A Comprehensive Blueprint: How To Make Passive Income Streams

Passive income streams are only limited by the “now.” Once in place, everything is smooth sailing. A comprehensive blueprint: how to make passive income stream

There’s nothing better than passive income. Once you build your income streams, they can go on for months and months. And when done right, these channels can continue to make you money for years to come. Passive income streams are your doorway to the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

Imagine just how much a solid and reliable source of passive income could ultimately change your life. Start out with a couple $1,000 extra on autopilot per month… then grow from there.

You’d finally be able to live the dream lifestyle where you can enjoy time with family and friends while maintaining a viable and consistent source of income.

Secure the lifestyle you want with Passive Income Streams
Secure the lifestyle you want with Passive Income Streams

Exciting, right? 

So, the next question on your mind is…

How can I start building residual, ongoing, passive income streams?

That’s what this blueprint is all about.

I’ll show you exactly how you can start generating passive income from some of the best hands-free money-making opportunities. 

These passive income streams are based on proven, working strategies that have been responsible for generating thousands of dollars a month.  

Stick with me. I’ll lead you through a lot of different models and options and provide some shortcuts, tips and tricks along the way.

So, without further delay, let’s begin!

Let’s jump right into it by taking a closer look at two of the easiest ways of creating passive income online.

Passive Income Streams #1: Membership Sites

Passive Income from Membership Sites
Memberships are the #1 Passive Income Model

I know what you’re probably thinking…

Membership sites require monthly updates so how can it truly be a source of passive income?

The truth is, there are several different strategies that you do to minimize your workload. 1st, you can create all the content upfront and then drip-feed it to your members so that they are given access to new material every 30 days.  

Sure, you’ll spend some time upfront getting the membership site ready and creating enough content to sustain members for several months, but once you have laid out the groundwork it can run on almost complete autopilot. 

Then you can spend whatever time you wish working on new content for a future update.

Fresh Content Cycle

Membership sites can also be set up where it simply provides access to fresh content on a limited cycle, such as a 6-month membership site that ends with a final update.

For example, a subscriber would join and be able to access content from month 1. Perhaps this is a series of eBooks, or video training. 

Then, that subscriber would then pay for access to the second month’s content. Their member’s area would automatically update to include the next month’s content and so on.

By the end of the membership cycle (month 6, in this example), they would pay one final time to receive access to the remaining training tools. Then once that final month has been billed, no further content is provided and billing ends.

The 2nd strategy is to create an autopilot site.

There are many ways to create membership sites that can run on autopilot, and that require very little work. It’s entirely up to you how much time you spend on your website and whether you decide to create most content upfront and limit its cycle, or develop a continuity website that needs regular updates.  Or create a site that is 90% autopilot. Once it is set up, you just direct traffic to get new leads to sign up.

Overcoming Barriers

Most people don’t have the time or money to set up a membership site. And quite frankly, it takes a ton of work that requires a lot of different skill sets. So although setting up your own membership site is something some can achieve, this is generally the main barrier for entry into this market. And the barriers are just that much larger if you’re just starting out and new to online marketing.

But the good news is there are some great options to help you get around these roadblocks. Here are some options that I personally have had great experience with.

Save yourself time, money and headaches by purchasing pre-made membership sites that are ready to go.  Go with a reseller option.

The membership reseller option

Here, you can access any of these membership sites at no cost. The 1st level of courses are free for you to use and learn. Then there are additional courses offered as well as a reseller option. The reseller option lets you purchase the rights to brand and sell the site as your own. So with very minimal set up, the site will be branded for you. Within days, you are set up with your own membership site to market to your customers.

Then you just direct traffic to your free membership site, (i.e. the top of your funnel). When a new lead signs up, you grow your list by giving away free membership back to the top of your sales funnel.

This is an ingenious business model! It is easy and fast. Have your site set up and running in a matter of days. And now you can rake in passive income 24x7x365 with your own branded membership site. See the membership sites HERE.

A New Membership Site Option

Another great way to launch a membership site, is Groove.

Now when it comes to building a membership site, the “All-in-one” site Groove has got everything you need. A single platform will help avoid having all those other different platforms and headaches. They have everything you need for your membership site, including email, membership CMS, marketing, website, blogging, video, social media management, and much, much more….. all in this single platform. You’ll find great tutorials there as well. Right now they have special offers ranging from a huge free package, all the way up to one single payment for a full lifetime subscription.  Unlimited emails, pages, custom domains, integrations, ecommerce stores, and more. This is really a powerful platform that you must check out. – See all of Groove’s moves here.

Now to be clear, starting a new membership site will take time. This option has plenty of obvious benefits in setting up the ideal business membership model. However it will not be as fast, or easy as simply purchasing a reseller membership site as reviewed above. But Groove is the business platform that you should ultimately shoot for to create a wholistic membership site, website and blog to develop your own business model. 

So here is my recommendation.

Pick up a few of the membership reseller options first, as a “fast start”. This will allow you to begin operating a membership site and collecting revenues in a matter of days. This is the quickest model to go from 0-60 in no time. Then, once you have your feet on the ground and some cash coming in, begin your full business build out on Groove. Groove is an incredible platform and you will have everything you need to establish a full blown passive income monster.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a 7 or 8-figure passive income empire. It takes time and diligence. It will take time to strategize, develop and execute a plan; therefore get some cash flows coming in to help you along the way. Pick up some membership reseller packages first, then begin your full business build out on Groove. Utilizing both of these options will get you up and running fast with the reseller sites. Then reinvest the income to build up an incredible membership model on Groove and develop a passive income empire that will last a lifetime!

Honestly, this recommended plan is your basis to develop your own passive income empire to last a lifetime! The following strategies, tips and tricks can be incorporated as “best fit” to your niche, personal interest and desires and incorporated into your business model.

Passive Income Streams #2: Amazon KDP

One of the easiest ways to generate passive income is by publishing books on Amazon. This is something anyone can do even if you’re not a prolific writer.

In fact, you can easily outsource a combination of low content books as well as Kindle based fiction or nonfiction content and then publish them instantly on Amazon KDP.

Self-publishing is a powerful, yet simple way to start building income on total autopilot. Once you’ve published your books and created an optimized book page that drives in readers, you can virtually set and forget your listings and they’ll continue to generate royalty checks every single month.

If you aren’t familiar with what low content books are, think about journals, planners and organizers. Journals are extremely popular in countless niche markets and very easy to create. In fact, you could have hundreds of low content books published in a matter of days with very little upfront costs involved.

With a little creativity, you can produce multiple books common themes within your niche and then sell bundles. This is a great way to market books.

Create book A and book B. That gives you 2 listings for sale. Now bundle the two books together for a 3rd listing. Often, the book bundle sells better than the individual books.

Book Creation Options

The best proven way to create profitable low content books, that is fast, efficient and effective is Sqribble. This is the next generation of eBook design and creation technology at your fingertips. You can create stunning eBooks that look awesome, with instant content, in just minutes! I have used Sqribble and they have made some new updates that have made it even better. Go here for the 7 day trial. Try it out and if you like it, buy it for a one-time price, which is less than you spend on a meal for your family. You will make the cost back with your first book or lead magnet sell your products. Sqribble is a great program to repurpose your work into different formats. It’s a work smarter, not harder program.

Of course, the other option is to outsource. Regardless what genre you’re interested in, you can quickly find qualified and seasoned writers on marketplaces like UpWork  and Fiver.

Start by providing writers with a smaller task, perhaps a 5k word short book to gauge their quality and reliability. Provide an outline and have them write a chapter. If they pass the test, hire them to write the entire book. 

There are countless tools available to self-published authors to help maximize exposure so that you can build a truly passive income channel, but did you know that your Amazon author central page is one of the most valuable marketing tools of all?

With an optimized Author Central account, you’ll be able to:

• Track your book sales.

• Read and respond to book reviews.

• Allow readers to follow you on Amazon.

• Add an Editorial Reviews section to your books.

Create Your Author Central Account

Before you can create your Author Central account, you’ll need to have at least one published book on Amazon.  Once you do, head on over to authorcentral.amazon.com to learn more and set up your free account.

When it comes to maximizing your income with KDP, you’ll want to publish books frequently so work on creating a team that consists of your writers, an editor, and a cover designer.

If you really want to automate the entire process, you could also hire a virtual assistant who will collect the material from the rest of the team and publish your books via your KDP account.

Otherwise, once you have a team in place, you’ll be able to continuously publish new stories while spending very little time on your business.

The first is always the hardest

The first book is always the hardest, because it is new. But once you have gone through it and learn the ropes, then it is a cookie cutter kind of thing to repeat.

In fact, other than publishing new books and checking your royalty payments, you just need to market your books. Amazon will do a great job of attracting readers and funneling buyers onto your book pages.

If you just want to create books, then your good to go with a bit of marketing and branding. However marketers will create books and use them as part of a grander business model. For example, creating short ebooks make great lead magnets to promote affiliate products or your own products. Or perhaps intertwine with learning courses, or coaching, or whatever your business model is.

Benefits of creating your own product

There are several big benefits in crating your own content. First it is unique and sets you apart from others. Make sure it is of good quality and well done. Second, is flexibility to be strategic. Since your creating your own, you can create whatever works to fit a strategic need. For example, let’s say you sleuth out a weaknesses or void in someone else’s funnel or offering. Perhaps customer reviews pointed out something that you could create. Or perhaps you just have a great idea of how something could be added to an already great product out there and you can join the party and generate sales for yourself by creating and adding to the package.

All of these strategies are great for your own brand creation and standing out from others.

And of course I shouldn’t have to remind you. Once a book is created, it can make passive revenue for years to come. Always focus on “evergreen” content to the best extent possible, so that it doesn’t go out of date or stale.

Passive Income Streams

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic passive income opportunity because there are a ton of opportunities. And the biggest benefit with Affiliate marketing, is that you don’t own the products and have all the other headaches like you do with other online businesses.

Now it does take some time to get established.  Make a plan that includes your goals, desired niche, type of products you will sell, and options for the ways you desire to market. Don’t get overwhelmed. Be patient and systematic about the process. Be realistic and continue with steady, consistent diligence to putting together your program to build your passive income empire.

One of the main ways to market is through your email list. There are several easy ways to get started even if you’re a total beginner.

Here are the 3 simple steps to becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

Step 1: List Building

Step 2: Tribe Growth

Step 3:  Promote Offers

Let’s take a closer look at each passive income streams step.

Step #1: List building to passive income streams

This is a vital component to affiliate marketing because your list will be your primary source of traffic. It’s also a cost-effective method of marketing to a targeted group of buyers. You’ll never make as much money without a list and you’ll struggle to automate your business without this essential tool.

To begin, you’ll need a mailing list provider. Here are two of my preferred providers.

GetResponse  >> http://www.GetResponse.com 

Aweber >> http://www.Aweber.com.

I use both GetResponse and Aweber. Both are very good platforms. I am super impressed with GetResponse and their upgrades and additional features over the years. GetResonse is nearing an All-in-One type of platform.

If your interested in an All-in-One platform, I highly recommend Groove. I will be talking more about Groove’s incredible platform latter.

When it comes to driving traffic to your squeeze page and start building your lists, you can do this in several ways.

Ways to Build Your Traffic for Passive Income Streams:

Social Marketing

This includes Facebook ads, boosted posts, Pinterest paid promotions or Instagram ads. And then there is also TikTok, Twitter and Whatsapp. LinkedIn has recently made changes that are more focused on marketing as well so they are growing their presence in online marketing.

Social marketing can be time consuming and if you haven’t done it before it also carries a bit of a learning curve in order to figure out the best kinds of ads for each community, as well as how to maximize exposure.

One of the leading social media management platforms is Crowdfire.

Not required, but…

This is another one of those applications that are not required, so if your just starting out and pinching pennies until cashflow grows, you can manage some social media manually. BUT your are really only skimming the surface and can’t even come near what you can do with Crowdfire. What a huge time saver, which is efficient, effective and professional.

Exponential benefits

As I noted, we all start of with manual processes to begin with. This saves money, and provides a valuable learn basis for us. However there is absolutely no way you can invest the amount of time to manually perform social media management to the extent of what is possible with and automated, single platform. So when you are able to make the change, the benefits will be exponential.

In my opinion, social media management is a must in today’s world of online marketing. And Crowdfire has served me extremely well.  Whether you use Crowdfire or any other platform, you need to strongly consider automating social media management if you desire to join the 7 and 8-figure top tier marketers. Check it out HERE.

Make Passive Income Streams through  Social Media
Make Passive Income Streams by Leveraging Social Media

And as always, outsourcing is an option. You can easily hire a social media manager on sites like Fiver, or hire a virtual assistant who will take care of a variety of tasks for you including updating websites, and helping you grow your tribe.

Solo Ads

This essentially involves paying someone to mail their list about your offers to drive traffic to your squeeze page.  

You can purchase quality Solo ads on Udimi. They are my primary “go to” for solo ads. Be selective and take your time in finding a seller. Review all their stats and recommendations. Always start small to test and ALWAYS track your ads so you know the results. That includes opt-in and sales. Remember that you are ultimately buying opt-ins and growing your list. Even if you do not get many, or any sales, you now have them on your list. You can then send them offers anytime in the future. This is a numbers game. You must always continue to build your list. It’s difficult to get much traction when using your email list for sales if you don’t have a large list. Once you start getting numbers into the thousands, your sales will follow. Even better, tens of thousands per list!

Another Solo option

I have also used another Solo ad option that is a wholesale solo provider. Find a focus on MMO, which can include a whole host of affiliate marketing, cost per lead, (CPL), cost per action (CPA), and others. You can purchase through wholesale at a lower cost, especially with the larger quantities. I want to reiterate that you always monitor and test the performance of any ad campaigns, (solos or otherwise) with tracking. It is vitally important to measure performance and find what works for you.

Solo ads are unique in that you need to find the right seller list that fits your niche and offering. Work with the seller and discuss your offering and the various lists that they have. They can likely help target you to a “best” opportunity. And just because you don’t make sales with one, doesn’t necessarily mean they are not a good seller. I typically try 2 runs with each seller. Test, track and then, once you find acceptable results, you scale up. I use Improvely due to their excellent tracking and reporting. Plus you’re getting a great value for the price.

PPC Conversion Tracking & Click Fraud Auditing

Cost per Action

I touched on CPL and CPA marketing as well. This is another great passive income model. I could dedicate a whole article or book just on this model.  However, like many other models and strategies, the “cost per” model is equally challenging to get a good, meaningful start, in which you are making much progress.

By all means, certainly get out there and try things to see what works. I did the “cost per” as a side, or add-on to my other marketing platforms and activities just to learn and diversify. But I didn’t have a lot of success until I found a system and platform that worked well. I use Effortless CPA. There are a number of affiliate programs for CPA out there. I settled on Effortless CPA due to their extensive program, yet it’s simple to do. They also have a single lifetime payment option avaialbe. Check out Effortless CPA, and do your own research to find what works for you.  If you desire to build a long-term passive income, CPA should be incorporated into any passive income business model.  And be patient, it does take time to build and grow; but certainly, well worth it!

Ad Swaps

Ad swaps are another option that are often a very cost effective, fast way of building a list.  This involves finding a partner to swap ads on each other’s mailing lists. So you provide a swipe of your offer to your partner to send out in their list, and vice versa. Of course you’ll want to utilize specific tracking to measure performance. It is important to take time to find the right partner. Make sure your lists and niche are compatible, so your offers are well received. Ensure you share performance information about your lists, so you have relatively the same performance. It takes time and effort to set up an ad swap, however the benefits are compelling.

One location that you can search for partners is at https://www.safe-swaps.com/.  If possible, use any of your relationships with fellow marketers and inquire of them if they have interest or any contacts. They may be able to introduce you to someone that may be a good fit and partner for your program or offering. And once you find and nurture a good relationship, a good partner can last for years and many ad swaps.


You could reach a wide audience of targeted buyers just by creating a high quality short report on a hot niche market and giving it away through a campaign on http://www.WarriorPlus.com 

Giveaways are an easy way to build a list at very little cost while simultaneously building your brand.  But just remember, and this is important! Make sure you are giving away quality content. Make sure it is something of value! If you give away a crappie freebie, your new lead will likely leave your list, or never trust to purchase anything from you. Either way, don’t harm the relationship.

You could also run a similar offer through the marketplace of affiliates and buyers, at http://www.JVZoo.com 

There are many ways to go about growing your list. Here is a free guide called “101 ways to grow your list without spending a penny on ads”. It’s a good resource with a lot, (101) of ideas. And it’s free.

Click Here

Step #2: growing your tribe to make passive income streams 

This begins with providing them with incentive to join your list. As previously discussed, you can grow your list through opt-ins with paid traffic, or by giving away something for free.

When you create some sort of lead magnet—a giveaway to entice people to subscribe to your email list—and a squeeze page with your opt-in box that allows people to enter their name and email address to subscribe to your list.

Jumpstarting your email campaigns

Consider jump starting your email campaigns with Email Dyno. This outstanding software platform puts pizazz into your emails, driving exceptional readership, interaction and overall results, Email Dyno includes timers, dynamic surveys and ratings, personalized images, video overlays, and more. And the best part of it is I have a backdoor offer for 80% off for life HERE. Check it out. This is an outstanding value. The additional touch you create will set you apart from the competition and your results will show.

An incentive offer is basically just a giveaway that entices visitors into subscribing to your list to gain access to more information. 

Giveaways could include anything from short reports, reviews, checklists, or a host of any other forms or content that offers value. Many repurpose PLR content.  This offers advantages of

  • Renaming the product.
  • Repackaging with various content into one bundle or course.
  • Adding your own content.
  • Repurposing the content in video, audio, slide or other formats.

No products? No problem!

Many marketers really struggle with starting off and not having products, or struggle to find high-quality products. A great provider that I have used is Nick James’ “Product Licensing Formula”. Nick does a phenomenal job of providing high quality content in a complete done for you package. He has even gone to the extent of setting up a WordPress plugin that your able to input your personal information into to brand the entire product and sales funnel in a few simple steps. This is a great value, and you can have many high-quality products in just a few hours. Talk about a major shortcut with high-quality products!

Lead pages made easy!

A fantastic resource that handles everything from list building and lead pages to helping you build a profitable funnel that can run on autopilot is Groove. This amazing All-in-One platform is a monster! And you can subscribe for free and get a ton of features and resources.  

There are some great opportunities out there. Continue to do your own due diligence to find what meets your needs and best fits your business niche, model, and strategies.

As long as what your offering is relevant to your target market, and is as unique and high quality as possible, your squeeze page should do its job of converting visitors into active subscribers. 

And finally, it’s time to make money by promoting high-quality products that you believe your subscribers will appreciate.  

Finding the right affiliate program for passive income streams

You can find products on many different marketplaces, but if you’re looking for instant commissions instead of having to wait for payments you’ll want to create accounts at:

Both JVZoo and WarriorPlus provide the opportunity to generate commission payments every time someone purchases through your affiliate link. 

Keep in mind that when just starting out, if you don’t have a track record of sales, some vendors may choose to hold your commission payments for 30-45 days.

Once you start selling and have proven that you’re able to generate sales while keeping refunds down, you’ll find it easier to get approved for promotions and payment of commissions.

Explode Conversions

When it comes to maximizing your income with affiliate marketing, the key is to offer a bonus – something extra – that adds instant value to a purchase. That way, subscribers are more likely to purchase through your link than through a competitor who isn’t offering anything more. 

In affiliate marketing, the strategy of offering bonuses is used all the time.  Affiliates will package up auxiliary components and other tools that are relevant to the products they are promoting, and then present it to potential customers as a way of standing apart from other marketers.

And there is no shortage of bonus content and product ideas you can create for virtually any type of affiliate campaign or niche market.

Fill a void

Simply find a missing link in the product and create a bonus product around fulfilling that need or extending the value of the product in some way.

Your bonus offer also needs to be either exclusive, limited or both. In many cases, your bonus offer will be the driving force behind whether a potential customer chooses to purchase the product through your affiliate link, or someone else’s.

It’s also very important to use strong ‘urgency motivators’ with every bonus offer. If people feel that there’s no rush, chances are they’ll continue looking around for a better offer, so make sure your bonus stands out.

So, how can you set up and manage bonus offers like this? 

Managing Bonuses for Passive Income Streams

You could manually set up download pages and track affiliates, OR you could make it easier and use a product like www.CommissionGorilla.com that simplifies the entire process. 

I used to manage all the bonuses manually. But trust me, it is so time consuming when you have a ton of things to do and no time to get them all done. CommissionGorilla makes it fast, easy and efficient, Not only can you create landing and review pages but you can set up bonus products for just about any type of offer. Plus, they even give you some free bonus packages that you can slap your name on and use immediately.  

Here are a few other trusted affiliate networks worth exploring:

Commission Junction (CJ Affiliate)

>> http://www.CommissionJunction.com 

Otherwise known as “CJ.com”, Commission Junction has been around for many years and is known to pay on time and provide unbeatable support.  They feature hundreds of merchants across the board and regardless of the niche market or subject you are interested in promoting, they are bound to have a few lucrative choices from within their directory.

Share A Sale

>> http://www.ShareASale.com. 

ShareASale handles all payments on behalf of the merchants and offers thousands of products to promote.

Rakuten Marketing 

>> https://www.rakutenmarketing.com/affiliate  

Rakuten Marketing is an ever-growing affiliate marketplace and with it comes a great variety of lucrative and high paying affiliate opportunities.


>> http://www.ClickBank.com 

ClickBank is an internet retailer of top quality lifestyle products allowing manufacturers to sell their products & digital marketers to promote them. They’ve been online for more than 18 years.
Amazon Affiliate Program

>> https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/welcome 

The affiliate program is called “Amazon Associates Program”.  Easy to get started, very intuitive and unlimited products to promote ranging from low-end to very high cost.

Authority Passive Income Streams

Authority Passive Income is basically just positioning yourself as the authority, and marketing accordingly.

There are 2 main steps involved in building an authority niche website:

Create a unique brand. 

This involves everything from a catchy logo or catchphrase, setting up a blog using WordPress, and deciding on your website’s theme and voice.

Don’t rule out using your own name. A lot of people don’t really like that idea, because after all, you aren’t famous right?

Well, maybe not now, but if you do a good job of building your brand, you can become more well known. There are a ton of well-known marketers and influencers out there that have their name in their site URL. “It’s unique and just naturally easier to build upon” says I, (Dave from davesethonline.com/blog)

Create outstanding content. 

Authority blogs are known for high-quality, informative and well-written content that is unique and full of thoughtful, useful information.  There are a ton of places that you can get ideas and information for content creation. I have wrote several articles and blogs about this in the past. As an example of have blogged about incorporating storytelling, HERE. And on other’s blogs, or social media platforms. Or on something as specific as calendar dates. Or even just a blog about killer content to double your subscribers.


I won’t be belabor the point. There is so much to write about, that the hardest part is staying on focus and true to your niche, tribe and what they want or need to stay engaged. What is the best way that you can provide value to them? This is one of my downfalls. For those who follow me, this is the point in time where I shout “squirrel”!

Don't let distractions divert you from making your passive income streams
Don’t let distractions divert you from making your passive income streams

I am too easily distracted. If you try to be everything to everybody, then you’re spread so thin that you become washed out and diluted. And your value offering falls.  So have a strategy in place. Follow your business plan and stay on course.

Now if you don’t plan to write the content yourself, then you’ll want to look for seasoned ghostwriters in your specific niche. That ensures they have experience and first-hand knowledge of the topics. And don’t think that you will be getting out of all of the work by outsourcing. In order to preserve quality, you will need to provide very clear direction, with a lot of interaction and review along the way. It will save you time, but benefits will also be offset by the additional costs.

But everyone must find their own balance and what works for them. There are some very good outsource resources avaialbe once you have found and establish a relationship.

Speaking to distractions, let’s get back to the content.

Three Content Rules

You always want to have content that does 3 very important things:

Connect with your readers.  Your content needs to resonate with your audience so they begin to see you as an authority or expert on the topic. This means that your content needs to be well-researched, actionable and comprehensive.

Persuades your readers.  Your writing needs to motivate them into taking action, even if that action simply involves returning to your website again. In order to persuade readers, you need to earn their trust and convince them, through your content, that you are an expert on the topic.

Excites your readers.   Your content should be something your readers want to share with their friends and family. This means that you need to deliver content that is different from other blogs, whether that is by offering a fresh perspective, or simply a unique angle.

Identifying your content’s objective before you start writing is extremely important and will ensure that your material is direct, informative and hits the target. 

Once you know what your objective is, concentrate on conveying your message in a concise, direct manner. Don’t get wordy!  Develop content that people will want to share because it speaks to them, communicates a positive message that supports your brand and demonstrates your knowledge on the topic.  

You also want to make sure your content is fully optimized for the search engines so that you’re able to drive targeted traffic to your site automatically.

One of the easiest ways to do that is to incorporate relevant keywords into your content as well as blog titles.

Mangools is great resource for finding keywords to rank well. They have great tutorials and insights on how to efficiently use their tools for optimal results. They have a ton of tools for SEO, websites, traffic, blogging and articles and more.

Inject traffic into your website.

You can do this several ways, including via automated marketing campaigns like Facebook ads.

While there’s a bit of a learning curve involved in creating effective advertising campaigns, if you truly want to minimize how much time you spend on it, you could outsource all the marketing to PR experts.

Here again, Mangools steps up and makes it easy to research your competition, pinpoint influential blogs, and reveal their traffic sources. You can do this with any website. Check out their free trial period here 

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when building an authority site is deciding on your niche market and the scope of your content. It’s important to narrow down your focus so that you’re able to attract a very specific market and then provide them with the kind of information they’re looking for.

If you attempt to create an authority blog that includes a wide variety of content from several different niche markets, chances are you’ll confuse your visitors and convolute your brand. So, begin by focusing on a single evergreen niche and then expand. 

Check for Profitability

One of the easiest ways to check for profitability of an information-based niche is to check sites like Amazon for things such as:

•        Books on the topic

•        Magazines on the topic

•        DVDs on the topic

•        Book rankings which will indicate popularity

•        Bestsellers lists

You want to see a lot of different books and products in your chosen category, and then analyze rankings to determine whether they are profitable, as well as how easy it would be for you to break into that market.

Ultimately, the best passive income streams niches are evergreen:

•        Unlimited products to promote.

•        High demand and constant growth.

•        A large, existing customer base.

•        Lots of existing websites, products, and forums.

•        And above all else, competition!

It’s always best to focus on a niche that has already proven to be popular and profitable.  Don’t be afraid of competition, it’s a sign that the niche is viable and worth pursuing. Some SEO recommendation suggest that you want to find more of a happy medium for keywords that have a medium level of competition so there is opportunity to rank and compete. The very high competition words and long-tail words are dominated by the well-established 500lb gorillas in the room. Your success rate with those will be minimal.

Building a profitable authority niche site will take time. You’ll want to outsource (or write) enough content to feed your blog for months to come while always optimizing your content for the search engines.

The key to success with authority blogs is to be consistent.

All of this is very time consuming and there are only so many hours in a day. So you may want to consider hiring someone to maintain the website, publish fresh content on a regular basis, respond to comments, update plugins and help keep your site progressing.

Closing Thoughts

I hope that this special report has shown you that creating passive income streams isn’t as difficult as you may have first thought.  Yes, there is a lot of work. But then again, there is a lot of work to become a doctor, or lawyer, or accountant. There is a lot of education time and expense. So why would building a 6, 7 or even 8-figure passive income stream be different. In fact, I would argue that for some, building a large passive income stream is easier.

So let’s keep it all in perspective. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get to work. It’s like an uphill climb on your bike. But soon the slope won’t be so steep. And then, eventually, you can see the top. And once you reach the top, the coasting sets you free.

Regardless of your experience or skill, with passive income streams, you really can enjoy the kind of flexible lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

Diligence and Persistence Pays Off for Passive Income Streams

While you’ll have to spend some time upfront building your business and launching your offers, it is well worth it. Don’t try to recreate the wheel. Learn from others. Do your research and purchase tools, programs and systems that make it easy. Work smarter, not harder. I tried to do so many things manually.  Although that was a good learning process, and saved me some bucks, it really held me back for a long time. It takes tools, platforms and the right programs to really give you the boost you need to take off. And rely on others as well.

And with some prudent decisions, and hard work upfront, someday you’ll be able to set it all on autopilot while you spend your time enjoying life.

If you’re interested in finding other ways to build profitable businesses that are designed to generate passive income for years to come, you’ll want to take a look at at these membership sites at davesethonline.com.  

Each of these sites have reseller options, which mean that they are set up to rebrand for you to sell as your very own. The entire funnels including delivery, branding, customer service and all the details, are managed for you.  You can be up and running in just days with your very own membership sites. Then promote your sites for free to build your own passive income stream. This is a proven business model that works extremely well.

Take Action Now

So I feel this needs to be reiterated. With some prudent decisions, and hard work upfront, someday you’ll be able to set it all on autopilot while you spend your time enjoying life.

The time is now. Now that you know how to make passive income streams, take action. Work now and set yourself up for that lifestyle that you have always dreamed of. It is within reach; you just have to grab it!

To your success,


davesethonline.com/blog  online resourcesmemberships 12-day training

updated 2/15/2023