Dave Seth Online

Dave Seth Online -

Private 12-Day Challenge Affiliate Coaching

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Do you have Affiliate Marketing Shiny Object Syndrome?

We can’t help it! The more we explore, the more we find. Soon we are chasing our tails.

If we admit it, we join a large crowd of affiliate marketers who all struggle with the same problem. Almost every affiliate marketer has struggled with Shiny Object Syndrome at some point in time. And some struggle way more than others…. big time!

Our intentions are good. But bouncing around from one program to another is disruptive. It is inefficient for ourselves, and disruptive to our business and customers. Needless to say, Shiny Object Syndrome is very costly and time consuming. Time is something no affiliate marketer has to waste. Neither are the dollars.

Help is available to keep you on task and on path. Join our 12-Day Challenge and Training program. It is absolutely free. We help you develop the foundation on which your own personal goals and plan can help you progress as a marketer in a systematic way. Stop getting distracted and pulled down another wrong path.

We focus on what it takes to make you successful with high-ticket sales. Join our exclusive group of home-based online marketers, and learn the 5 steps to achieving success as a Top Tier Affiliate Marketer.

  • Build your personal plan and business foundation
  • Get free valuable tools and resources
  • Discover strategies, tips and tricks
  • Gain a full understanding of high-ticket marketing and leverage for your success!

This 12-day Challenge and Training provides everything you need to know, understand and achieve your spot as a top-tier high-ticket affiliate marketer. Register Now for this exclusive training. It’s free.

Grow your online business with resources and recommendations

GetResponse Email (now more like an All-in-One)

My Favorite Email platform exploded!

GetResponse is considered an email platform. But with all the upgrades, features and functions they now offer, they are similar to some of the best in class All-in-One platforms. I highly recommend GetResponse; I have been a user for 8 years.

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Updated 6/4/2023